This is the Ultimate Guide to Settlement Agreements – Everything you need to know about settlement agreements before you sign one.

Written by Steven Mather, Solicitor, and a genuine expert on settlement agreements having advised hundreds if not thousands of employees with settlement agreements since 2008.

In this comprehensive guide to Settlement Agreements, I’m going to try to address every single aspect of them. Of course, you still need independent legal advice on your settlement agreement, but this page will hopefully answer any questions you may have.

I’m going to look at the following:

  • What is a Settlement Agreement
  • What circumstances are Settlement Agreements used?
  • What is a Protected Conversation?
  • What is the right level of compensation for your termination payment? Negotiation of the termination package.
  • What do the terms of the settlement agreement actually mean? Negotiation of the terms.
  • What is the tax position of settlement agreements?

Have you already been given a settlement agreement? Or maybe you have had a “protected conversation” with your employer?

This eBook will answer all the questions you have about settlement agreements.

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